How to connect to the
reflector using any one of the three modes. ( D-Star / DMR /
C4FM )
DMR Hotspot Setup - **Note It will be a idea to
add the Talk Group 6 to your radio first, this way you will get to
hear the connected announcement**
Add Talk Group 6 in your
radio NB. this must me a Group call
Enable DMR Mode + DMR2YFS modes in the Main
Apply changes,
Further down in the DMR Configuration
Select DMR Master to DMRGateway
Select XLX Master to XLX677
Select Module of your choosing A,B,C,D ( I
only have 4 Modules active for now )
**Module B is Transcoded so anyone that is
using this module with either D-star, C4FM or DMR will be able to
cross mode with each other**
Select XLX Master Enable
Apply Changes
Your hotspot will now be linked to the
relflector on the Module you have selected. ( If you have not
selected a module, then this can be activated using the method below
If you want to change to a different Module, this can be done easily
from the radio.
Go to your talk group list, and manual dial a private call with 64001
, 64002, 64003, 64004 , with the 1 representing Module A and
so on.
Your are now setup to use the XLX reflector NB This setup will
apply for any other XLX reflector you wish to connect to. Why not
check out the Reflector list, from the main Dashboard.
YSF Hotspot setup -
Enable YSF Mode In the main Configuration
Apply changes
Further down in the Yaesu Sysem Fusion
Configuration, select YSF startup Host as YSF67763 GB-XLX677 ,
Or you can leave this set as None and you can select and link to any
YSF Reflector from the Admin page of you Hotspot
Apply Changes ,
Your Hotspot will now be linked to the
reflector. At this point you will be connected to the
reflector, but not connected to any of the Modules
Enable TX DG-ID 10, 11, 12, 13
- Example DG-ID 10 representing Module A and so on,
Leave RX DG-ID on 0
**Module B is Transcoded so
anyone that is using this module with either D-Star, C4FM or DMR
will be able to cross mode with each other**
This setup will apply to most other YSF
Reflectors, usually DG-ID 0 is the default for both TX and RX,
Unless otherwise stated by the reflector sysop
D-Star Hotspot Setup -
Enable D-Star mode in the Main
Apply Changes
Further down in the D-Star Configuration section
Select default Reflector XLX677 alternatively you
can leave this selected as None, and you can select any reflector
from the Main Admin page of your hotspot
Select Module of your choosing A,B,C.D
**Module B is Transcoded so anyone that is using
this module with either D-Star, C4FM or DMR will be able to cross
mode with each other**